Will Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy help you if you have Covid-19 or Long Covid?
In addition to being a potent virucidal, HBOT is a good treatment for Covid patients because Covid-19 creates inflammation in the lung itself, preventing O2 from reaching the bloodstream and resulting in organ hypoxia and, in some cases, organ failure. Mechanical ventilation forces air/oxygen into the lungs, but it is not particularly effective at forcing O2 into the bloodstream. Mechanical ventilation is marginal at resolving the hypoxia it seeks to treat and forced ventilation causes further stress to the lungs. The mortality rate among ventilated patients is 50%.

The increased pressure that a hyperbaric oxygen chamber produces oxygenates the fluid of the body directly, without relying on the blood supply. This relieves organ hypoxia much more quickly than ventilation, without stressing lung tissue. 


Because high levels of O2 are a potent anti-inflammatory, HBOT also addresses the inflammation in the lungs themselves, which is what is preventing oxygen from reaching the bloodstream in the first place. HBOT also reduces coagulation factors and pro-inflammatory cytokines, effectively addressing the increased clotting and cytokine storm that Covid can create. Dr. Paul Harch notes that in addition to lowering the mortality rate, HBOT averts mechanical ventilation of patients and shortens hospital stays.

Long Covid

We’ve had a great deal of success treating patients with Long Covid, and current studies support our experience:


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